Getting Under Your Skin

Getting Under Your Skin

Ever felt like someone is ‘getting under your skin’?  What does that expression even mean? Very literally in my mind, it means, too close for comfort…invading my space…disrupting my “chi”. 😊 In the words of the urban dictionary, it can mean annoying, irritating,...
Getting Grounded and Settled for 2021

Getting Grounded and Settled for 2021

You may be asking yourself, “Why in the world is she writing about setting up 2021 when there are still several months to go and at this point, all I can do is keep my head above water in these never-ending crazy times?”  For just that reason.  At this...
Connection is Currency

Connection is Currency

How to get closer to those you care about these days? So much of seeing a dream come true involves being connected to those we love.  There is nothing more frustrating and discouraging than being disconnected from those we care about in our lives. Without the...
What Does it Take to See Miracles?

What Does it Take to See Miracles?

What does it take to see miracles?  I have been fascinated with this topic lately. So first of all, what is a miracle? An effect or extraordinary event in the physical world that surpasses all known human or natural powers and is ascribed to a supernatural cause; such...
10 Things I’ve Learned

10 Things I’ve Learned

There are some things in life worth repeating and since you are one who cares deeply about relationships, I thought I might share a recent re-post that received a good amount of engagement including people asking to share.  So I thought maybe it could be of some value...