Love and Leadership

Love and Leadership

What do Love and Leadership have to do with one another? It is an unusual combination indeed. Much like Humility and Wealth OR Jesus and Business. I think topics like this make us go…huh? They may cause us to pause and that is my goal today with this writing. I do...
New Perspective

New Perspective

It is absolutely astounding to me what a change of perspective can do for someone. I cannot tell you how many times a client comes into a coaching appointment dragging and feeling the effects of what feels negative to them and really is holding them hostage. Here is...
Fall Inspiration for YOU

Fall Inspiration for YOU

I have so many great things to share with you – sometimes I don’t even know where to begin! But the buzz is real. True and tangible change is happening with women from all over the world. This is not some woo-woo, pie-in-the-sky, fantasy-chasing group of...
Generosity or Fear?

Generosity or Fear?

Is my giving from generosity or from fear?  Sounds kind of harsh I know, but I have been taking a cold hard look at myself, so please, stay with me. I have been realizing how much growth I am in need of to be able: 🔹 to locate clearly and 🔹 then ask for directly...