“There is nothing special about me.”
Yep, I have actually heard that come out of a woman’s mouth just the other day and THAT is so hard for me to hear nowadays. Maybe because I once thought that about myself, but my thinking has been corrected and my views have been forever altered, and as a result, so have mine and countless other women’s lives.
Have you ever had an experience like when you finally see the shape emerging from a sea of small dots? Once you finally see it – you can’t UNsee it. Well, that‘s what happened to me. Now that I have been enlightened, (yes I know that is a woo woo word, but it fits) I absolutely can’t see anyone as ordinary anymore and that includes YOU.
And here’s the thing that you are not realizing: if this thought holds you back from going full guns to live your vision, is that you are made up of a specific set of God-given strengths + what’s important to you is different from others + you love doing a certain set of things + you’ve had life experiences that others haven’t.
That unique set of ingredients has been mixed together in just the right amounts to create something incredibly special in you, whether you realize it or not.
Could it be that you undervalue and overlook what you do so naturally since it’s just ‘normal’ to you? (but I dare say could be just what others desperately need)
Now, this is not about puffing up your ego or even your self-esteem. This is about getting you to start accepting responsibility for ALL you have and that includes the decision to start uncovering your gifts and polishing them and sharing them and then letting that process inform your unique contribution.
THAT, my friend, will make you stand out from the crowd and shine like a star!
So argue if you will, but based on those facts, if you are clinging to the insecurity that “there is nothing special about me” then I want to call you out. That is b…………….alogna. 😉
So let’s add this one to the debunked mistaken thoughts list:
Mistake #1: It’s only for a select few.
Mistake #2: I may have to I leave behind those I love.
Mistake #3: It’s not in the cards for me.
Mistake #4: I have to become someone I’m not.
Mistake #5: There is nothing special about me.
And if this has stopped you, then I’d like to invite you to realize that as long as you keep feeding that excuse, it will become a self-fulfilling prophecy. Maybe it’s time to face the facts that…
No one else has your unique combination of God-given strengths, value system, passions, and experiences. They were all given to you for a reason with a specific role designed for you by the divine author that if you don’t play it the world misses out.
So if you are even just a little bit curious about what that is – let’s talk. Live Your Vision 4 kicks off in 4 weeks and this program is guaranteed to help you avoid making this life-threatening mistake and find your way to your unique contribution that you may not even be able to see yet.
Let’s talk. Click this link.
Here’s to you seeing you are more than special!
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