What would you do if you were visited by an angel today and the angel announced, “Greetings, You who are highly favored by the Lord?”  I mean seriously…before the cynic in you takes over…what would you do? I mean – isn’t this the magic of the season we all hope to access? Regardless of our religion, race, gender or age, don’t we all hope in our hearts for some supernatural occurrence that fills our soul and infuses us with hope?

And honestly, don’t we all secretly long to be noticed for that something special about us and then given the opportunity to do something significant with it?

I just love the story we often read at Christmas in the Bible when the angel visits Mary to inform her that she has been selected and infused with a seed of hope though the spirit that sparks life by the divine Himself. Whoa!  Ready or not, Mary rose to the occasion.

Well, I personally think she was ready and had what it took, which is why she got the nod. She was willing to have her entire identity altered forever, to come out of the shadows, to go to unknown places, to experience massive emotional, mental and spiritual growth, to step into a giant role in history to carry out the plan God had for her, using her to bring forth hope to this world. And whether you believe in Jesus as the Messiah or not, the spirit of this season, one of giving, peace and connection is desperately needed in our world today.

How about you?  If someone were to come along and offer you an opportunity to follow Mary’s lead, to…

  1. Have your identity altered
  2. Come out of the shadows
  3. Go to new and unknown places
  4. Experience massive emotional, mental and spiritual growth
  5. Step into a much bigger role to carry out the divine plan for you
  6. Bring hope to this world with what you have been given

Would you do it?  Would you step up to the plate if opportunity came knocking?

Sadly, I have watched woman after woman retreat and withdraw when opportunities have presented themselves because they couldn’t clearly see their own worth.  Their fears kicked in and they then started to justify their fears with their go-to excuse … “I can’t afford it” … money; the old scapegoat for keeping women playing small.

I believe we all have a personal responsibility to be financially sound and to help teach and set great examples in our communities.  If we really want to change the world, it is going to take money to do it.

Wishing you all the warmth of the holidays.

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