What will stop you from making 2020 the absolute best year yet and start of the best decade yet?

  1. Lack of clarity about what you want to see happen
  2. Going it on your own
  3. Fear of failing (fun fact: 85% of what you worry about never happens anyway and lessons from real failure are priceless)
  4. Not taking action
  5. No concrete plan
  6. Inadequate support and no team around you
  7. Small thinking
  8. Overthinking
  9. Unwillingness to invest in yourself (You are your most precious resource)
  10. Just doing more of the same

These are our greatest threats to forward progress.  Breaking free from the inertia of these is not easy especially after the holiday overindulgence. Breaking habits and patterns that keep you stuck are crucial to moving ahead.

But guess what?  I have you covered.

If you are ready to make 2020 your best year yet then let’s talk.

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