In an online interview that I had the opportunity to do today, the host asked me a question that was so good that it made me think, “She’s probably not the only one who thinks this,” so I thought I’d ask you.

I was asked if I ever encounter women who feel like pursuing or living their vision is selfish?

Interestingly enough, I don’t think most come right out and say it…but I can’t help wonder how many think it?

What about you? What do you think? Is pursuing living your vision selfish? And have you ever really thought about that before? Sometimes we have these subconscious thoughts that drive our behavior and don’t even realize it.

If, for example, you feel like living your vision is selfish, it is likely you feel hesitant to invest time, money or energy into self-development in pursuit of living out a dream if in your mind it is going to make you into someone you don’t want to be.

However, if you’ve been a part of this community for any length of time, you know I believe that God has placed inside of you a unique set of gifts and strengths, values, passions and experiences for a reason.  And that it is part of His divine plan to care for His world.  So if you do not participate in that due to, in my opinion, misconception and limiting belief, the world goes without that particular need being met.  Additionally, a poor self-image will only give you another excuse to not use what you’ve been given to help others. That is the real act of selfishness…thinking too little of yourself, and as a result, hiding or ignoring what you have been given.  As a result of this type of subconscious thinking, you will most likely feel pangs of resentment and jealously when you look at social media and see others doing what they love.

Now if you see living your vision as selfless and an act of service to others, there is a good chance you will be a lot more proactive in determining what that vision is and getting it out to the world.  You will be compelled seeing the value in investing time, money and energy in yourself in order to bring that vision to life.  You will find a richer and more meaningful life personally.  And you will feel excited and a great connection when you look and see others also going for it.

If you are continually feeling like there must be more and you are missing out then answer this question… 

Do you believe living your vision is selfish OR selfless?

If you feel there is something more, then could it be that your subconscious limiting beliefs need to be confronted and a plan made to help you discover what that vision is and how to make it a reality?

If you need assistance to confront those limiting beliefs or to map a plan, I am as always, here to help.  But if you are clear on that, I am sure we will see it reflected in your life and your fulfillment.

Here’s to you seeing the value you have and the value you bring to this world as absolutely a beautiful act of selflessness that brings blessings to others and meets many needs.

Truly, the world does need what you have.

So no holding back.

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