4 Questions & a thought that helped me stop the spin
Thank you for your thoughts from my last post. I really appreciate knowing how you are doing. What a vast array of answers I got. I have heard everything from fantastic, stir crazy, anxious, hopeful, at peace, anxious, overwhelmed, and out of sorts. Clearly, we are all processing things very differently. Many shared it’s a day-to-day or moment-to-moment reality.
Here is a thought and 4 questions that my coach posed to me that have really helped me stop the spin and get grounded.
One helpful thought for many I’ve talked to is…
Since regardless of who or where you are, you have been affected by this. There is a certain feeling of connection to one another though we cannot physically be together. Usually when I have a struggle of some kind, I can feel tempted to feel alone because in truth – my neighbors or friends are not going through it. The fact that we are all going through this together as a collective, and it’s not personal, offers somehow a bit of comforting, strengthening and even community. Something to ponder.
Four questions that have helped are…
1. What do YOU want to feel going through this time and what do you need to do to feel that?
2. Who do you want to be going through this when you look back?
3. What is most important to YOU right now? What do YOU value?
4. What is YOUR responsibility to YOUR audience? (family, friends, colleagues and you)
My answers:
1. Faith filled, use my mental fitness skills and spend extra time with God
2. Faith filled voice of reason who sees the opportunities not just the challenges.
3. Being closely connected to God, family and this community
4. To be a faithful presence that brings confidence and simple steps forward.
I’d love to hear yours. Just post in the comments below.
Realizing we are all in it together and answering these questions for myself along with my prayer and worship of God have helped me so much to stop the spin when it rears it’s head and stay peaceful and productive.
Hope this helps.
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