Have you ever just heard someone articulate something you feel so deeply and your whole soul says “YESSSSSSS!”?

Well, that is how I felt yesterday when I was listening to a message from a church that my daughter goes to in Nashville. The speaker was sharing, without knowing it, one of the reasons why Live Your Vision was started and what it’s all about.  Now I have never met the man, nor attended his church, so I sense this one was for me to hear from God and His spirit. (You can check out the series at Crosspoint.TV)

It was entitled Honor Society and it just spoke to me so deeply because honor in our world feels so scarce to me today.  

It seems being “authentic, real, or speaking our individual truths” are more of a trend than showing honor to one another these days.  And as much as I am in favor of truth and discovering our own uniqueness and authenticity, I believe we can still speak truth, be authentic and stand strong for the equal treatment of others all while paying honor to one another. 

In fact, by paying honor to one another, we make deposits that enable opportunities to speak harder truths in love which enables them to be heard and received as opposed to rushing in recklessly and blowing up the connection by spewing thoughts in the name of being honest and because you can.  This is the long way to progress.

I personally believe that because of this short-sightedness, we are experiencing so much division and so much conflict about issues that could be moved along IF honor was a part of those conversations. In the creation of societies of honor, we can make deposits, withdrawals and build equity relationally that is the basis for progress of even the toughest issues.

Now we can all complain about the way things are, but what can we actually do about them? That is the bigger question.

In this series, I am going to share 4 things you can do to build your own honor society and thus make a difference in your little corner of the world. 😊 And collectively, if we build honor in our own individual worlds, we change our larger ecosystem. Won’t you join me?

First step: Learn to honor yourself. 

As women in a highly critical and comparative world, we can be our biggest critics. So as much as we complain about being marginalized and disrespected by others, we too do it to ourselves through our own self-ignorance.

By understanding who God created you to be and seeing how He values you, we can learn how to rightly honor ourselves.  And then learning to live from that place of value, strength, and love, you see yourself differently and as a result show up differently. That right there creates a huge shift for you and those around you.  That is where we start in LYV. By helping you see (through multiple external data points) how amazing you are, you will be able to shift the culture of the environment you live in. Without this first step, none of the others are possible. So let’s pause here.

Consider this today: 
Make a list of the ways you can honor yourself this week.
Go on, try it. Don’t be shy. See if you don’t stand a little taller.

And I will share step number 2 in my next post.

To creating your own personal Honor Society!

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