44 years ago, I fell for a handsome young man with a spark of adventure, fun, and intensity in his eye. I had no idea what that would mean. We dated and broke up like many young couples early on and every other I dated was held in comparison to him. None held a candle.
And though I did manage to marry this man of my dreams, I nearly lost him until the grace of God intervened and rescued us both from our empty ways of life.
Starting over again after 16 years was one of the biggest risks, yet in an odd way, a relief to both of us. What peace came when we both accepted that we did not know how to be successfully married but that we could in fact learn. We rebuilt our marriage with the help of God and great mentors.
As I get older, I realize more and more the magnitude of that miracle. That this handsome, talented, strong leader and rising professional star would stop, admit his shortcomings, and commit to learning how to do whatever it took to make his life right with God and me. That was 1994. He has never stopped. Repeatedly, he has given up careers he’s poured himself into, homes, wealth, friends, and personal passions to follow God, and honor me and our girls. Repeatedly, he has continued to strive to grow and change.
To me, watching a man willingly lay down his own life, not once but ongoingly speaks of such honor. He has said to me in the past as a reminder that he is not my savior, but I say to you, he is my hero. His devotion, purity of purpose, high integrity, loyalty, and commitment are so rare and make him truly a man of great honor. Men with a willingness to grow, change and learn are priceless.
(Happy Birthday, Sweetheart. What a privilege to know and be loved by you.)
Why am I sharing this?
Because it is possible for the men in our lives to change too. Sometimes we give up on them. Never stop praying and believing and learning. The best really is yet to come.
PS: My quick question? We have been asked by several to share more about what we do with married and seriously dating couples.
If we were to host an LYV Couples Retreat this Fall, would you be interested?
Post in the comments and say yes if you are interested in receiving more info.
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