Here we are – at that time of year when many of us reflect on the last year and plan out and dream about the next.

And I highly recommend starting with areas you saw yourself grow in and specifics about where you saw God move on your behalf…a.k.a. wins.

Remember, you cannot build on success you do not acknowledge. 

It doesn’t have to be overwhelming, but I highly recommend it gets done. So here is an example of mine that really just took me a few minutes after some thoughtful prayer time.

Areas of MY Growth in 2022 (not perfection ok? but growth):
1.  Saying “yes” confidently and “no” lovingly
2.  Standing my ground on ideas I feel strongly about
3.  Trust in God’s process and timing
4.  Emotionally growing and being able to articulate specifics of what I feel calmly and without an edge
5.  So much more confident with and bigger thinking in my finances

Wins/Results of Growth in 2022:
1.  My relationship with my husband, Joel, is changing. Some deep-set dynamics that do not work for us are shifting. We are NOT settling.
2.  My ability and security to grow my business have been up-leveled as my confidence and faith have increased.
3.  I am able to move more freely through life, and manage greater challenges as my emotional and mental fitness continue to up-level.
4.  The growth has given me more bandwidth to learn more skills for business and LYV is set up to significantly increase its impact this year.

Some of my goals and plans for 2023: 
1.  Add 2 new team members to support the growth
2.  Build our High Performing Team for LYV
3.  LYV Re-brand (in process)
4.  Beautiful events hosted (Hilton Head, Coeur D’Alene, Los Angeles) and begin planning international retreat in 2024 as well as many online events
5.  Joel and I have a beautiful trip planned to the Mediterranean and a mission trip together.
6.  I am in process with and have plans for up-leveled self-care (yay!). More on that later…
7.  A new puppy which makes me so happy. ✅ SHE’S HERE!

This is just an example that I hope is helpful.

Go ahead. 👍

Growth, Wins, Goals.

Go for it.

And if it hasn’t been as inspiring as you would have liked, let us help you. Women all over are getting the revitalization they need to see the hopes they have become reality.

We are here for you too.

Just set up your personalized Vision Session (click here) and stay tuned for all our wonderful events.

Cheers to your “best me in 2023”!

Let’s do this thing!

Here to help as always.

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