Know there must be more?

Know there must be more?

I have many conversations with so many women every day. Literally, women from around the world (different cultures, faiths, education, and ages) tell me repeatedly that they know there must be more but do not know where to begin. As women, we are giving and pouring...
How Do Others Feel Around You?

How Do Others Feel Around You?

How do others feel around you? Not about you, but around you?   We all give off a certain energy and what some refer to as a ‘vibe’. My question to you is how do others feel in your presence?  For most of us, we are focused on doing and getting things done and very...
Mind Stretch

Mind Stretch

There is so much to share with you that I almost do not know where to start. But all I can say is growing feels soooooooo good. 😊 My mind is being stretched on so many new levels and in so many new areas, I could and have been tempted to be overwhelmed, yet have come...
What is your worth?

What is your worth?

What is your worth? Ah, such a loaded question, right? We, women, spend so much time dancing around this, feeling the lack of it, trying desperately to compensate for it, get secure in it, and trying to locate it. The more spiritually evolved we see ourselves, the...
How to Realize a Big Dream

How to Realize a Big Dream

How does one realize a BIG DREAM? I mean really, practically. I want to share a formula or a process for seeing Visions become a reality that may seem so obvious but yet, if you follow it, you will see 2021 become a great year. I have always been fascinated by how...