
Post Victory Insecurities

Post Victory Insecurities

Have you ever noticed that after you step out and do something new, bold, decisive, and on faith, it often comes with what I call post-event insecurities? Have you ever experienced right after you do something amazing, I mean really push yourself OUT of your comfort...

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They Showed up BIG!

They Showed up BIG!

Congratulations to our class known as Live Your Vision 9!  Last weekend, we held our Final Presentations that conclude with them presenting (before their peers) demonstrations and realizations surrounding the work of an entire year of: discovering, developing and...

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Space to Make Mistakes

Space to Make Mistakes

When you pick a word for the year, buckle up. It seems that very declaration invites refinement. My word is leadership and wow, 😳 the gaps I see in it that have already been illuminated are eye-opening. However, in the company of this grace-based and strengths-based...

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Your Ticket to FREEDOM

Your Ticket to FREEDOM

Why and what do you suffer from? If you have ever suffered at the hands of someone or something else, I am so very sorry. Sincerely, I hurt for you. However, this email is to help discern whether your suffering is at the hands of another or self-inflicted. No relief...

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The Necessity of Becoming Shrewd

The Necessity of Becoming Shrewd

What do you think of when you think of the word shrewd? I know most think of it being some sort of slimy manipulation tactic. Oddly, Jesus tells us to BE shrewd. So what’s up with that? Well, it has dawned on me that far too many women (again myself included) naively...

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Sweeter Together

Sweeter Together

Life is so full of the planned and the unplanned. It is always wonderful when you plan something that comes out better than you hope. And I thank each one of you that spent last week with me and my guests. Truly, it was more than I’d hoped. What a wonderful time we...

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Scared to embrace your brilliance?

Scared to embrace your brilliance?

Scared to embrace your brilliance? I get it. There is safety in blending in, not much expectation of you if you are just ordinary and one of many. But the truth is YOU are not. There is only one YOU.  Did you know that the chances of someone having your particular set...

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Ready for this?

Ready for this?

Ready for this? Not sure I always am, but I cannot ignore it. My vision is to inspire, elevate and empower a global movement of women who individually SEE, EMBRACE and DESIRE to share their own unique gifts for greater good in this world.  I believe if we could...

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Where are You? Part 3

Where are You? Part 3

So what do you think? Ready to become a student of yourself? Ready to do something different than you have been doing? You’ve heard it said, "If you keep doing what you’ve always done, you will get the results you have always gotten.” I warn you - it could lead to a...

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