Living a life of purpose is something we all strive for.

Achieving emotional balance is something we all strive for.

It is our ability to find a sense of stability in our body and mind during times of change or when we are being challenged.

Emotional balance is important to your physical and mental health, and it’s something you need to achieve in order to have personal growth. In order to the best version of yourself, you need to have your emotions under control.

Emotional balance is when you allow yourself to feel. Whatever comes your way – you don’t stop it. You don’t let it overwhelm you. Admit your feelings – whatever they may be – and move through it.

It’s easier said than done for most of us.

We find ourselves dealing with out of whack emotions because so many times, we try to stuff them away and avoid them instead of experiencing our feelings for what they are. Or even worse, we become so attached to those emotions that they overtake us. They consume our thoughts and disrupt everything.

Embrace your feelings and allow them to mold you into the person you are meant to be. Do not be afraid to dig in and do the work. You may surprise yourself with what you find – or who you become in the process.

It’s natural to want to avoid pain – whether physical or emotional. If we avoid it, it won’t bother us, right?

Quite the contrary! Avoiding our thoughts and emotions because they are hard to talk about will only intensify their effects in the long term. This practice causes suffering. The more you try to avoid the pain, the more intense your suffering will become. We work so hard to stuff the hurt and strong emotions and end up hurting even more in the end.

Avoidance doesn’t work. It isn’t healthy. Pain is a part of life. It’s how we choose to deal with it that will control the outcome.

Will we overcome the pain? Or will we allow it to overwhelm us?

It’s up to you to decide – embrace it. Use it. Grow from it.

Emotional balance is easier for some to achieve more than others. It’s essential to be aware of yourself and how you move through your emotions in order to establish healthy habits.

Here are a few things to help yourself to embrace your emotions:

  1. Acknowledge that you are feeling something. You may not know what it is – but be aware that the emotion is there.
  2. Work to identify the specific emotion. Calm your mind, close your eyes, and focus on what you are feeling in the moment. Allow your physical symptoms to help you determine your emotion. For example, anger shows up as stiffness in your neck while sadness or anxiety can cause chest pain.
  3. Verbalize your emotions. (i.e. I’m feeling angry. I’m feeling sad.) Saying the words will allow you to respond effectively instead of reacting on an unconscious level.

So many times, we find ourselves unable to cope. This is because we are not prepared to deal with the changes and challenges that come our way. We deny the impact it has on us and fail to see the impact our emotional roller coaster has on others.

Make the decision to own your emotions.
You are in control.

Let’s discuss a few easy changes to help us find emotional balance:

  1. Respond – do not react.
  2. Stay in the present. Admit that what you are feeling are just emotions.
  3. Look inside and see your true self and what makes you happy.
  4. Keep moving! (Literally, …get up and move!)
  5. Focus on the positive!

Emotional balance brings about higher productivity, the ability to make better decisions, and the capacity to be present in the moment.

Achieving emotional balance is possible – for all of us! We have to look after ourselves. Our commitment to our emotional well-being will allow us to truly enjoy the life we are destined for.

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