In spite of all the tenuous times we are living in right now and so many of our social liberties restricted…AGAIN (And NO fireworks to celebrate 😥 this Independence Day), I have a question for you to answer about YOURSELF. Is it really all the externals that allow or prevent you to be who you are?
I would like to explore the idea of what it takes to let FREEDOM ring.
Freedom, to me, means that I have the ability to choose life, liberty, and the pursuit of my own happiness. NONE of those can be taken from me without my consent.
If anything over the last several months and especially this past weekend, I’ve seen some pretty amazing women emerge from their own inhibitions to reveal new levels of creativity, empowerment and become happier women during this so-called “confinement” than they were pre-pandemic as a result of all the internal work we did.
So the slow down and social distancing actually served these women because sometimes you have to step away from the crowd to hear the sound of your own voice.
Well, that’s what these 12 women have done and found a new sense of FREEDOM that cannot be taken from them. Watching them emerge and display all this unveiled beauty and power to a group of their peers and to themselves was just so life-giving.
Now to boldly step into the gift of FREEDOM takes faith. It is actually easier to be confined relinquishing your ability to choose. But to claim that gift of being FREE will take some work. If you are still feeling confined, then ask yourself…why? Where am I allowing external circumstances to dictate my feelings and perceptions? Is it really the way the world is right now? Or is it something deeper within me this time is just trying to illuminate?
Maybe it is time for you to explore something deeper for yourself.
“Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms—to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.” – Viktor Frankl
I am so proud to say that the women of LYV have and are continuing to learn how to rise above their circumstances and choose freedom for themselves no matter what this crazy world is doing. That gift is available for you too. If you want to know more how, then set up your own complimentary Vision Session here. And please, I beg you, stop believing you are in some sort of lockdown. You have the power and I’d love to show you the way.
So on this very different Independence Day, perhaps without all the external fanfare, I wish you and your family health, happiness, and the realization you have the power to choose, which is ultimately what FREEDOM is all about.
May you feel the joy of living FREE today on this historical Independence Day.
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