Rich? How do you define it?

I mean, really, what makes you feel rich?

And please do not use some over-spiritualized, socially- or culturally- expected answer that you think you SHOULD say.

I have worked with enough women to know we are experts at “doing what is expected and dutifully saying the right things” but not as good at pausing to examine what we really think and feel. Then we find ourselves living according to someone else’s definitions for us and wondering why we are not feeling alive.

So this one may require some time for reflection.

What is most needed here is to suspend the judgment and just get honest.

If rich to you means a certain amount of money in the bank, a certain neighborhood, home, car, or décor – go ahead and add that to your definition. Stop pretending that those things don’t or shouldn’t matter if they do. That is not helpful. And besides, beyond any material possession is a deeper why, an emotion behind it, and there are reasons you would like those things. I trust that. If you just judge yourself harshly for that, you will block your understanding of why.

On the other hand, if you study without judgment, get curious about why you want what you want, and you can locate those feelings behind the “thing”, you can then get more clarity for yourself about what “rich” means to you.

Additionally, you may then be able to create more of that feeling you are looking for that enables you to feel richer even when that physical thing has yet to appear.

This in turn produces more feelings of abundance and gratitude and creativity and limitlessness of faith. And perhaps then you will begin to see how rich you really are. 😘 Oh, what a refreshing and empowering change of perspective that could be.

So go ahead and get busy listing out what makes you feel rich. NO judgment. List it all.

To me, RICH means…
💎 I feel healthy and that I am taking good care of myself.
💎 I have lots of choices.
💎 I am free to dream and envision what I want, imagine, or hope for.
💎 I am able to enjoy every minute of my day right now but I also have a beautiful future view mapped out that I look forward to.
💎 I am able to readily call to mind the MANY blessings I have.
💎 I have power, yes, power over my thoughts, and perspective, and then having guidance over my emotional field without being an emotionless robot.
💎 I have a mental dexterity and fitness level where I can choose my moods, keep my focus, and actually feel like I am advancing day after day.

With this mental fitness training, I have been able to improve my thoughts which have improved my health, my view of God, my relationships, my bank account, and my quality of life.

So, see how you can actually get rich quick? 

Thoughts become things. What you focus on expands. 

This is a process we are going to train more on for our upcoming Renew Your Vision Virtual Retreat on Sat. June 3rd which you absolutely MUST come to. Register now!

But for now, know this: I have met many women who have had A LOT and feel very poor. They are caught in comparing themselves and trust in others’ definitions of rich for them, and they cannot seem to see it.

They constantly complain about money, health issues, relationships, and what a struggle it is with God.

So it is NOT about what you have now – it is about the WAY you see yourself now. 

Start now to get rich. Start by examining and defining for yourself what it means to be rich.

Then come on June 3rd, and we will show you how to get it. I know that sounds crazy, but you can come see for yourself. Grab your spot now.

And as far as being rich…our world needs now more than ever, big-hearted, compassionate, caring women to be as rich as possible.


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