Believe it or not – you have more control over your own success than you realize. You can with some simple yet doable intention up the odds to a good day. And one key to success that EVERY high performer I’ve ever talked to knows about and really values is how they start their day.

Setting yourself up for success starts with your daily morning routine. As human beings, we spend so much time prepping what we are going to do and so little time relatively preparing for who we are going to be on any given day.

Doesn’t it make sense to train ourselves in who we want to become rather than what we just want to do?

Sometimes we wonder…how do extraordinary people do what they do consistently?

Talking with my LYV Mastermind group, I realized these women really do invest in themselves with their mental, emotional, spiritual, and even physical prep for their days.  No wonder they are continuing to crush it day after day, seeing milestones and miracles consistently.

But I admit that I often feel the pull and temptation to focus first on what I need to do each day even when I open my eyes in the morning.  But I have found that if I skip right to the doing without training on the being, something really gets missed. I have learned that God cares more about the spirit in which we do things than the amount we get done in a day.

Think about it. Getting a lot done in a day yet snapping at everyone along the way is really not what we’d call a good day. It really drains any warm fuzzies of accomplishment. But getting a little less done with a beautiful spirit of grace, presence of mind and heart always makes our accomplishments more meaningful (and I dare say more plentiful).

When I have taken sufficient time (and that is way more than you’d imagine) to train myself spiritually, mentally, and physically, I end up with a calm heart and centered mind. I also find I get more done in an enjoyable 90 minutes than a frantic, frazzled anxious 3 hours. (Not to mention the quality of my life has been significantly up leveled by having great morning rituals that feed my soul, exercise my mind, expand my vision, and refresh my body.)

What is your morning ritual like? 

Are you set up for success daily?  

My routine is relatively simple.

10 daily steps to set myself up for success:

  1. Lemon water
  2. Coffee
  3. Daily Devotional (short)
  4. Bible Study
  5. Journal
  6. Read approximately 30 minutes – spiritual, personal development books
  7. Prayer walk where I meditate, visualize and listen to my Living Vision and a podcast that I am learning from
  8. Yoga or HIITS weight training
  9. Protein Smoothie & supplements
  10. Shower & and I am ready to face my day!!

Now I am not suggesting you have to do what I do.  But I am strongly recommending that if you do not have enough emotional, mental, spiritual, and physical stamina and bandwidth to get through your day BEING who you want to be, you may consider how you are starting your day. Your soul, mind, and body may be undernourished.

Identifying and maintaining awareness of what keeps you at your best is what we do here.

Maybe it’s time to think about that.  What do you need to feel, think, act and love your best?

We call those Our OWN Rules for Optimal Living.  I highly suggest you make your own.

If you need help, we are always here.

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