Oh, how I wish you could be a fly on the wall for our Mastermind, Success Group, and now, Expand Your Vision, graduate-level group discussions.

They are deep, meaningful, tear-filled and sooooooo inspiring. Talk about taking down the excuses! Yesterday in LYV8, we had this rich lesson done by our own Renee Loheed (who embodies this mindset) and this amazing discussion on what is happening in your life is not happening TO you but rather FOR you. 

Think about that for a moment. If you really believed that whatever has happened TO you really was designed FOR you, how would you approach life?  

What if YOU were chosen for this?  

Do you believe that? 

Now I realize this may take some work mentally to see things this way, but the alternative is pretty grim. I have not met one person yet that has come through life unscathed. Life is hard. For some it is harder than others, but what if that is because they were chosen?

What if that was FOR them? 

Do you believe that? 

If not, there will be a lot of struggle and fighting, perhaps more than necessary, and what if you have been chosen? What if your obstacles were the opportunities set before you?

I had the absolute delightful privilege to watch my daughter graduate this past weekend from Pepperdine University in Malibu, CA and her keynote speaker, a Pepperdine Alum, absolutely embodied what we stand for here at LYV…truly a faith-filled adventurous soul making this world better with all that has been given to you and done FOR you. 

Sam Schmidt inspired the audience as his opening line of his speech was, “What if what happens is not happening TO you, but it is happening FOR you?” as he rolled across the stage in his wheelchair.

Enjoy this short video about Sam and make sure you have your tissues. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6JePr6C9tQk

To what is happening FOR you. 

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