Have you ever done this?

Joel and I just returned from 4 days doing a personal Marriage and Life Immersion…what we call a purposed getaway. Some call it a retreat, but whatever you call it – it feels like so much more than just good rest and getting away although we did all that too. Wow was this rewarding.

Here’s what we did:

  1. We covered a marriage dynamic that was tripping us up and cleared that up. Yay, next level here we come.
  2. We discussed Joel’s summary of his spiritual sabbatical and all the lessons learned. Just returning from Jerusalem and the Holy Land, his insights were so deep and heart moving.
  3. We worked through and reconciled this past year’s finances and mapped out next year’s projections and plans.
  4. We reflected on all the victories, thanked God, and prayed for additional clarity on all the amazing growth of Live Your Vision. We want to make sure as it continues to grow in alignment with our values and is what we believe God wants.
  5. We even mapped the entire LYV 2022 calendar! I cannot wait to share some of our very exciting plans with you.
  6. We created our Top 10 in 10. 10 things we both would love to do together within the next 10 years… Things like… renew our vows in the Landi Castle in Bardi, Italy, become proficient in Italian, and learn ballroom dancing. 😊 Eek! Makes me smile at the thoughts.

Our time away also included 3 magnificent hikes off the famous Blue Ridge Parkway, heartfelt prayers, deep conversation, delicious food, wonderful romance, even an argument while working toward greater unity as well as envisioning and planning our future all while dealing with real issues. See what I mean…it’s more than a retreat.

Have you ever done this? Do you and your man know how? I admit I am blessed beyond belief to have a husband and leader that can and does do these things to the benefit of us and our family. If this is something you’d like to learn more about, post it in the comments.  If you already know how, then by all means do it! But there is nothing wrong with needing a guide…whatever you do, don’t waste another year by not using your gift of choice and choose LIFE…intentional loving life!

So if you have never planned and gone away on your own to specifically work on your own marriage, clarify and map out how to achieve what is important to you both over the next 10 years…I cannot say enough good about it.

What a wonderful time in Asheville, North Carolina.

Habits, fears, distractions, routines, and comfort are all the enemies of change and growth. We too had to break through the voices saying, “Not now, maybe later, it’s the holidays, do we really need this?”
As time goes by, I feel now more than ever the need to use my time wisely and with intention.

So if you have never done this, or not in a very long while, I highly recommend a personal Marriage and Life Immersion weekend, truly a purposed getaway. 😊 If you want more info on how or guidance, let us know. Otherwise – get yours on the books.

You will not regret it!

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