So here is the conclusion of this series.

We have already established that honor is currency relationally. Pay honor to someone and you build equity relationally.  Paying honor allows you to deposit into someone’s life and make withdrawals when needed.  It allows for the transfer and exchange of thoughts and ideas. It will even allow for conflicting viewpoints to be heard and who knows what progress might happen then??  Wonders never cease.

In an effort to help more women (and men indirectly) experience this beautiful honor society, we are expanding our community and are thrilled to have you part of it.

Here are the 4 main components of this Honor Society with some practical solutions by request. (Thank you, Jacqueline.) 😊

  1. Honor Yourself – Take time and invest some resources into learning more about who you are and how you were made by God.  I guarantee that will be uplifting. In other words, get a new view of YOU!
  2. Honor Others – One way is by having an attitude with other people that you want to learn from them vs. judge them, you immediately show honor, especially when you don’t agree, but even when you do. 😊
  3. Honor the One who made us, ourselves and one another –  When we share our beautiful and unique gifts we have been given with others, this serves to fill needs and connect us. We are then thankful for our differences when we see the reason for them.
  4. Gratefully receive what we need – When you show honor to another, your heart opens up to them and then you are able to receive what they have to offer. Withholding honor from others builds a firewall around our hearts and then we can not receive the gifts they have to offer which very well maybe what we need. Don’t you hate watching someone you love struggle while you have the solution but they just won’t accept it? I’m quite sure that’s how Jesus must have felt regularly…no honor, no miracles. That’s how it works.

And I cordially invite you come join us and see this Honor Society in the flesh (virtually of course) on Saturday, June 26th for Renew Your Vision. Click here to join us. Because we believe it is possible to create this beautiful community where together very diverse and unique women come together to rise.

Welcome to our Honor Society!

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