I just woke up a little while ago and saw a message from a woman in India who had purchased our LYVL 2021 Encore replay. She shared how she wants to help the women of India with this. 😳 So beautiful.

It dawned on me that women now in Australia, Africa, India, Asia, Europe, the Caribbean, and North America are watching, being helped, and impacted by LYV teachings (just by this one event) and this community. 🌍

I am so humbled. 

Born out of my distress and desperate need to find my way forward has come help to many others around the entire world. Who knew? I also had a conversation just the other day with a powerful woman leader in Dallas who just started with us and is absolutely amazed at the depth and richness of the content.

I was again humbled and yet beyond grateful for God assembling this work. It really is changing lives from Dallas to Delhi.

But I understand – the work or content alone was not enough to give the hope, clarity, or direction I was looking for. It takes a community – a very special one I might add.

So thank you for being part of this global community. The impact your love and support play are a big part of the secret to success here (mine and women around the world).

I know we are made up of women who are from many different faiths and different churches and different beliefs and even those questioning spiritual beliefs. We have our many, many differences and I love that!

But we all share so much – especially the deep desire…

  • to love and be loved 
  • to support one another and be supported 
  • to help others up and be helped up 

And inner knowledge that there is something special we have been put here to do. 😉

THAT is the common driving force of our community that is making a worldwide impact. Thank you!

Know this: Women across the globe are being helped by your participation to fill your own cup.

The surest way to realize your full potential is to keep working on who you are becoming. Everyone else benefits.

This has once again reminded me that my vision is the answer to someone else’s prayer. And also to implore you to press forward with your vision. The world really does need what you have. Our visions really are the answer to someone else’s prayers.

If you haven’t gotten your copy yet of the Virtual Encore of Live Your Vision LIVE 2021, then by all means please do. Click here. They will only be available for another week at this time.

Wow, again…I am so humbled. 🙏💜

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