I had a wake-up call this year and I don’t even know why.  Ever just wake up one day and realize you’ve been living with a low-grade fear that has been bugging you and holding you back and know you need to take action on it?

Well, that’s what happened to me this past year.  I woke up one day and realized if something were to happen to Joel I would obviously be devastated by his loss, but I would also be in a tailspin financially. Though I knew how to make money, I did not know how to handle it well.

That was the source of my underlying angst. I just woke up and realized I lived a life of irresponsibility and ignorance always just saying to myself.

“I’m not interested in money.”
“God will provide.” 
“Money is not that important to me anyway.”  

I have for far too many years resisted any conversations to do with money. I was overwhelmed by those courses that many churches offered and I just preferred to stick my head in the sand.

THAT is not trusting God…that is immaturity.

Those thoughts were foolish and I knew they would eventually come back to bite me, and if I am honest, they were just a cover for an area of my mental laziness. There. I said it. Nothing like a confession to cleanse the soul, right? 

So finally paying attention to that nagging voice internally, I started to wake up and actually face my attitudes and I learned of some scary statistics which I will be sharing over the next several weeks with you. Because we women need to WAKE UP!

Here is the 1st one…

80% of women will at some point in their lives have to be financially responsible for themselves and ONLY 20% say they feel prepared.  

And I was NOT one of them.

God was trying to get my attention. This realization helped uncover a block I did not know existed…a ceiling in my personal confidence that affected my ability to impact more and more women for good.  In other words, I had capped my own growth with this stubborn refusal to learn that created a knowledge GAP.  I felt very strongly that God had revealed it to be able to fill it and use me to do more.

So I began to really pursue growing my financial intelligence.  I knew I needed to get to a place of competency and peace in regards to my own future financially.  And that would come from dealing with my own stories I told myself about money and my own comfortability with it.

Knowledge really is power. 

I believe we all have a personal responsibility to be financially sound and to help teach and set great examples in our communities.  If we really want to change the world, it is going to take money to do it.

So if you know you need to grow in your personal and financial confidence and that these are two areas that have held you back, then go ahead and let’s chat – click here.

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