One of the biggest issues I deal with helping women to discover, develop and distribute their unique gifts to create a great next chapter is their crippling perfectionism and inner critic.
Seriously, if there was one “magic pill” I could give that would set women free to be all that they were intended, it would be to eliminate their inner critic and perfectionistic tendencies.
Dr. Nate Zinsser, author of The Confident Mind: A battle Tested Guide to Unshakeable Performance shared:
“Research shows that the highest achievers in any given field are those with only a moderate level of perfectionism. (meaning they strive to do their best but do not demand perfectionism) And those with the highest levels of perfectionism (loudest inner critics) are only moderate achievers because the anxiety they feel over making mistakes prevents them from taking timely action.” (and the risks necessary to grow)
So if you really want to become all that God has intended, you will have to do something about that inner voice that consistently rains on your parade. Otherwise, even all the talent and opportunities in this world will not allow you to thrive and flourish as you could.
Sadly, I know way too many women that are shackled and have missed out because they did not conquer their inner critic. Their perfectionism killed their confidence.
I have always been fascinated with how people that have fewer opportunities become so successful.
It always comes down to how they think and what they believe.
3 thoughts for recovering perfectionists, we love here and say often:
- Be a student of yourself and NOT a judge.
- Grant yourself permission to make mistakes (and lots of them).
- Done is better than perfect.
Try those on this week and see how you feel after living like this for even 7 days.
We are always here if you need us. And if you are ready to get serious and work on YOU, we are filling our newest Live Your Vision 9 Mastermind Group starting in March.
Click here to see if this is something that is right for you now.
To all my recovering perfectionists!
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