What do Love and Leadership have to do with one another?
It is an unusual combination indeed.

Much like Humility and Wealth OR Jesus and Business.

I think topics like this make us go…huh?

They may cause us to pause and that is my goal today with this writing.

I do hope you will pause and think through your own leadership. Now you may say “I am not a leader” (by title) but you are if you are a spouse, parent, professional, or business owner.

Whether you are an appointed leader or not…YOU have influence. 

Now whether or not you realize, develop, and exercise that is entirely a function of how you see yourself.

But for the purpose of this discussion…just go with me.

Now that we have established YOU are a leader, meaning you have influence.

What do love and leadership have to do with each other? 

Interestingly enough, many separate the two. Even those in the business of serving others, I have realized separate the two.

But separating them is a recipe for limited success and possibly worse.

Maybe it is because our language is so limited that more do not think about how to lead with love…even the sound of that may conjure images of weakness, being a pushover, lack of respect, sacrificing productivity, low impact, and even profitlessness.

But really, a deeper study of powerful and effective leadership will reveal that love is the potency behind it.

Let me explain:

🔹 Love comes in many forms 

  • Caritas: charity, Love, high price, expensiveness, famine prices, scarcity
  • Dilectio: Love, delight, pleasure, goodwill
  • Ardor: ardor, HEAT, eagerness, flame, burning fire, brightness, passion
  • Complexus/Conplexus: embrace, enfold, hug, grasp, connection, connexion
  • Affectus: affection, feeling, state of mind, goodwill, Love
  • Eros/Amor: Love, affection, romantic, adoration, attachment
  • Gratia: thanks, Grace, gratitude, thank, goodwill, favor
  • Pietas: piety, kindness, devotion, loyalty, affection, pity
  • Diligo: love, distinguish by choosing, regard above others, esteem highly, value, prize
  • Agape: sacrificial love
  • Phileo: brotherly kindness or love

So great leaders understand the different forms required.
Additionally, think about this…
🔹 How do you feel about a leader who believes in you so much they call the questions to mind needed that call you up? They care enough to dig in with you.
🔹 How about the leader who changes the unit of measurement? They favor and count your progress over perfection.
🔹 What about that leader who does not despise little things? They recognize small efforts.
🔹 And who sees the development of people as her single greatest accomplishment?
🔹 What about the leader who refuses to quit on the mission and shares the glory of it?
(Above thoughts inspired by the book Jesus, CEO by Laurie Beth Jones. I highly recommend it)

But think about it…Leadership that taps into the most potent force on earth, how could it be anything but successful?

Whether you consider yourself a believer in Jesus or not, consider the effect of this type of leadership, and then see if you do not want to learn more about how to lead with love.

🔹 12 volunteers willing to give up their agendas and go anywhere
🔹 Individual transformation occurring in association with the group
🔹 Training and proficiency by doing
🔹 Normalizing questioning status quo
🔹 Acceptance and freedom to be uniquely individual
🔹 Valued and respected for your differences
🔹 Grace to grow and try new things
🔹 A legacy that is unparalleled in all history

Developing your leadership at LYV means developing your love.

Developing your love at LYV means developing your leadership.

It’s when my love grows cold that my leadership weakens.

Let us fan into flame the power of love and help lead those that are depending on us.

Feeling weak in your leadership?
Reach out and set up a complimentary Vision Session.

Join us for our upcoming series of online events to see what I mean as powerful women demonstrate that love and leadership make a winning combination for respect, loyalty, productivity, and even profit.

To YOUR Love and Leadership meeting!

PS: Mark your Calendar NOW! 

📅 Saturday 10/29 A New View on Aging Vision Talk 11am ET / 8 am PT

📅 Saturday 11/19 Holiday Series Part 1 with Your Most Meaningful Holidays: 5 Soul-Filling Essentials to prevent the drain, disconnect and disappointment and ensure your mind, heart, and spirit for the most meaningful season yet.

📅 Saturday 12/17 Part 2 of our Holiday Series with Team LYV – coming back for Your Best Year Yet: 10 tips to keep your promises to yourself, create a healthy self-image, and accomplish more than you imagined in 2023.

Join our private ReInvent Your Life FB group for registration details.

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