Ok,  we are resuming our series….

Over the last several weeks, we have been going thru all the mistakes women make that stop them from living their visions, finding the fulfillment they crave and making the impact and income they desire.

We have listed 7 so far.

They are insidious mental limits that quite frankly are so widely accepted that many are held captive by them without even realizing it. However, when awareness shines a light on something it can then be addressed. There is nothing like squaring off with your fears or perceived mental limits.

I love this story….

For years, men had tried to break the 4-minute mile barrier without success, many believing it couldn’t be done. But when finally Roger Bannister broke it in 1954, he crashed thru that mental barrier.  The crazy thing was that within 46 days another man, now also believing, (John Landy) broke Roger’s record.

This is just another example of the limits that we hang onto in our minds that prevent us from making the impact we could but how when we see them for what they are and then move forward to take them down, whole new areas open up in our lives and for the lives of others.

Mistake number 8 is False Evidence Appearing Real.
Do you get it? So often what fear is in our lives.

Let’s rid ourselves of any of these potential Vision threatening mistakes (read more on my blog).

Mistake #1: It’s only for a select few
Mistake #2: I may have to I leave behind those I love
Mistake #3: It’s not in the cards for me. 
Mistake #4: I have to become someone I’m not
Mistake #5: There is nothing special about me
Mistake #6: I can’t afford it
Mistake #7: Your limiting money story and knowledge gap
Mistake #8: False Evidence Appearing Real

Like Roger Bannister, most of the women I work with were limited only by what was in their minds. When we helped them to see that those limits were only false evidence appearing real (aka fear) doors began to fly open for them.

If you know it’s a mental block or belief limitation that stops you from living your vision then let’s talk. Cause it’s amazing what a shift in perspective will do to give you to open new horizons. Click here to schedule a call.

To overcoming the false evidence in your life that may appear real to you!

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