What would happen if you were to give yourself permission for just one year to go all-in on learning to understand yourself better?

Where would God and life take you if you…

  1. Knew what your God-given gifts were?
  2. Were confident and competent to use them and engaged them daily?
  3. Were clear about and were working daily in a space that energized you?
  4. Were living authentically, meaning you were aligned inside and out with what mattered most to you?
  5. Knew how you do your best work?
  6. Knew who you do your best work with?
  7. Realized you actually do have the resources (time, money, and confidence) to make the significant impact you wanted?
  8. Had a simple, step-by-step plan to get you there?
  9. Had a safe and supportive and honest community to help you?

Well, here is what a few women have realized just in the last few weeks by answering those questions above…

Let me introduce you to Sandy Petty, founder of Executive Financial Partners, a boutique accountancy and advisory firm helping women-owned businesses take control of their finances and grow them. Recently selected after completing Goldman Sachs 10K small business program (which was an incredible honor in and of itself) to be a part of this initiative of one million black women business owners. We are all so proud of Sandy for making this world better as she shines brightly.

Watch this short video and be inspired.

Watch Black in Business video here.

Then enjoy listening to Kasia Kedzia, International Development Professional and Community Building Coach. Did you realize how much your community impacts or impedes your personal growth?

Using Kasia’s 15+ years of experience in International Development performance management, monitoring and evaluation, and capacity building and her experience overseas, we discovered how Kasia adapted well wherever she landed. She consistently builds and grows her communities wherever she goes. Kasia also discovered how her own personal dedication to helping high-performance individuals grow in their faith and take action toward creating communities that feel like family builds not only the collective but also the individual.

Check out how she does that here.

Listen to Creating Community podcast here.

And finally, in a recently released article by the Global Leadership Summit, read about when Dr. Kris Sargent decided to get serious about doing the inner work, what happened to get her out of debt, into a new environment, and also a beautiful new romantic relationship 😉 and, more importantly, restore her faith.

Check out the article below.

Read the At the End of Her Rope article here.

As I have often said, I feel more like a journalist at times as I continue to report the absolutely fantastic news God continues to bring about when women decide to get serious and answer the questions above.

I hope you enjoy.

To our shining brightly too!

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