Know there must be more for you?

Don't miss out on the opportunity to dive into our Signature Live Your Vision Curriculum with Module 1 - The Superiority of Strengths-Based Living.

Get a glimpse of our Go-At-Your-Own-Pace Success Group Membership program with access to our special offer - and dive in discovering & developing your very own personal and unique strengths! See yourself more clearly and up level your own confidence and worth.

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  • Downloadable Module 1 - The Superiority of Strengths-Based Living
    This powerful and short video training has changed the lives of hundreds of women from all over the world. We will teach you and train you how to see and use the powerful, God-given strengths that are within you that have produced changes in women's relationships, health, income, and faith. This is undoubtedly one of THE most powerful and potent trainings of often unrecognized resources YOU already have. The immediate change often starts to open up life and is designed to help you take the first step toward creating a life YOU love, that benefits both you and those around you. You really are more powerful than you think.
  • Interactive Worksheet
    This accompanying worksheet is designed to help make the training actionable. In the age of information overload, we help you slow down to make use of what you have just learned so that you may experience the powerful positive effects of this information. We are very careful to help women understand although they will gain some information here, we are to help ensure the true transformation.
  • 1 Live Coaching session to break down your strengths
    Take it one step further and schedule your coaching session with an LYV Coach, break down your strengths and formulate your very own personal I AM statement, and start living the strengths-based life you're meant to.
Yes - I want to discover and learn how to use my strengths for $97!