Surviving or Thriving – what makes all the difference?

Why is it some seem to continually thrive regardless of what comes their way and others just continually survive? Now I don’t mean they don’t have hard things happen to them, but how do they keep landing on their feet?

As my husband Joel so eloquently shared in his recent training series, Make Shift Happen, we are hardwired for survival.  Our brain’s function is to keep us safe from threats. So a large part of our brain is oriented with a propensity for vigilance toward negativity, scarcity, and anything that makes us vulnerable.

It is the evolved brain, one that has been trained through mental fitness and spiritual disciplines that sees the world differently with eyes of gratitude, positivity, abundance, faith, and excitement about what is ahead in the unknown.

Of course, the beauty in both is that God has given us the hardware to survive and the choice on how we would like to do that.

Would you prefer to go through life just getting by, avoiding risk, defensively, and with comfort as your main goal?


Would you like to go through life seeing and seizing the prosperity that surrounds you, taking risks in faith, proactively designing a life you love with fulfillment and contribution as your goal? 

That’s our beautiful God. He offers you choices and the opportunity for either within your grasp.

But without a deliberate mental fitness training regimen, that choice is made for you which is why we have woven a very rigorous mental fitness training into all our programs here at Live Your Vision.

As one of my clients shared…

”So many amazingly gifted and spiritual women’s thinking is just all over the place these days, which sadly leads to the demise of their personal growth, fulfillment and true contribution; essentially the death of their dreams.”

I must say, I quite agree. Beware a flabby brain and a lazy mind.  I personally have benefited so enormously from adopting a daily (required) mental fitness training practice that accompanies my morning time with God.  It has allowed me to manage my anxiety and depression and live a strengths-based life to create more than I could have imagined. And the good news: It is a skill to be learned like any other.  As a gift to you and anyone you want to share this with I have included the link to Joel’s most recent training series. Three short 30+ minute videos do a deeper dive into the importance of your mindset and how to shift it in order to get what you want.  So enjoy and let me know what you think.

And by all means please share with every man in your life. Yes, finally something for men too. 😊

Here’s the link:

As a population of women, can we please commit to being stronger in our thinking while still enjoying all the wonderful emotions God gave us?  I think we can and I do believe that is how we can make the choice to thrive and NOT just survive.

To your mental fitness!

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