We just literally did our final walk-through, turned over the keys, and are off on our next chapter. We have an exciting cross-country road trip planned and I cannot wait to expand my view physically. I will be posting fun photos from the road in our ReInvent Your Life private FB group if you want to follow along. (click here to join RIYL group)😊

There is so much beauty in this world.  And though there is still so much challenge, I want to remind you of the duality of life. That on ANY given day, there are blessings and challenges happening simultaneously. Not just “these days” as it may seem. So as bad as things seem sometimes, there is also a blessing of equal or greater size happening too. I find however, the blessing often comes AFTER the challenge 😢 and takes some work to locate and then appreciate, like buried treasure.

I love that scripture in Matthew 6:22-23: “The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are healthy, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eyes are unhealthy, your whole body will be full of darkness.”

This always reminds me to be careful what I am filling my sights up with. And since vision is of utmost importance to me, I must take great care to choose what I look at.

With packing to move across the country there have been maaaany challenges as you might imagine, and yet, once I take the time to process them, I then see the blessings and allow the growth in me.

So what challenges have come your way today? 

Is it possible there is a blessing on the other side?  

How could you grow from it and be better?

If you have a hard time with seeing that, I’d love to help you with a vision session.

Please click this link and schedule your chance to see things differently.  It makes all the difference in the world.

Onward and Upward!

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