In my recent Live Your Vision class, I shared about 3 models that are common approaches to life.

  1. The Weakness Focused Model (WFM)
  2. The Well Rounded Model (WRM)
  3. The Strengths Based Model (SBM)

    And one of my amazing clients introduced me recently to a 4th called:

  4. The Rationalization Model (RM)

Well…these approaches all produce a different result, as you can imagine so you may want to evaluate your own.

WFM is all about trying to correct or fix your weaknesses, which may at times be necessary. But consider as a result, you are focused on the negative so self-esteem and energy are really zapped.

WRM is all about trying to equalize your strengths and weaknesses, but that still unfortunately calls for you to focus on the negative and drains you and more importantly allows strengths to go undeveloped.

RM is a model that says OK is good enough and that always leaves you second-guessing your own potential.

But according to research, the Strengths-Based Model is superior for many reasons.

After a simple comparison, you tell me…

Companies that focus on their employee’s weaknesses see employees operate at about a 24% below average rate, whereas companies that are focused on their employees’ strengths watch their employees’ performances rise to as much as 36% above average rates.  The differential there is staggering in my book.

But think about it. Have you had a boss, teacher or colleague that had a critical eye on you?  How did you do in that environment?  Most tend to shrink or hide and play it safe. Very little advancement or growth. Bare minimums are accomplished.

And on the flip side, have you had a boss, teacher or colleague who seemed to notice and point out the good in you regularly?  How did you respond?  Most report rising, growing, taking more chances to learn and progress and greater overall happiness as well as progress.

So think about what you want as your own approach to life. And you choose.

Here in this community, we are maximizing what God has given us so that we may shine brightly for the world and make our intended differences. That takes an intentional Strengths-Based Living (SBL) approach.  If you need some help with understanding the difference this can make in your life, then by all means, set up your complimentary Vision session and start learning how you can operate at as much as 60% higher performance in your relationships, professional life and personal endeavors.  There is so much more power, energy, impact and satisfaction available within you.  It really just depends on your approach.

Here’s to your intentional SBL approach to life and all the benefits that accompany that.

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