What is Live Your Vision really all about? Yes, it is about helping women get a new view of themselves and the value they bring so they can create a great next chapter to improve their impact, income, and fulfillment.

But let’s face it, THAT is a lofty goal! 😳 Because we are not talking about just a short-term pain reliever or quick fix, but rather TRUE transformation. Our belief is once you have gone through this experience, and you have opened yourself up to what’s offered, you will never be the same again.

One of my clients told me recently that…

“I have not been this excited about my future since I learned my sins were forgiven and forgotten.”

Another told me this week that…

“Since LYV, I read the Bible differently. Now I realize the promises God makes are personal and for me.” 

So what we are all about over here is indeed lofty and meant to be transformational. And I certainly could not make those claims if it were just about my little ideas.

So what is Live Your Vision (LYV) all about?

LYV is about transformation that is rooted in the depth of God’s love for us (regardless of where you are coming from or are at) so that through an extended period of exposure to this fact, exploration and acceptance of self gives birth to a new view and new understanding of the value we bring. This calls us to a secure, undefended state prepared to receive God’s transformative love.

This program we refer to as a journey is one of self-knowledge in the presence of God’s crazy love for you that leads to self-acceptance and thus to accept God’s invitation to self-surrender to God’s will, His good pleasing and perfect will, that opens a whole new way for you and your future…thus transformation occurs.

Receiving love in an undefended state is a key to true transformation.

I hope this explanation helps those of you who have still not experienced LYV up close and personal. But stay tuned because we have lots more opportunities to do so coming up. 💃

Until then, know you are deeply loved.

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