Have you ever thought to yourself…“Who am I?”

Have you ever been asked that?

This is one of those deep existential questions that I think, in our quiet moments, we all ponder at some point in our lives.

So many come to me and say, “Julie, I feel lost,” not necessarily in a spiritual way, but with regard to who they are and what they see for their future. Think about it for a minute.

Who are you? 

Most will answer when I ask with a role they are playing…like wife, mother, doctor, executive, stay-at-home mom, etc. rather than who they were created to be, and then when those roles shift, it creates a feeling of “lostness.”

What about you? 

How do you answer?

In the safety and anonymity of this email, I invite you to really give it deeper thought.

Who are you? 

For many, when they come to me, they are in need of figuring out what to do next in their lives. They are in or headed into a major life transition and the future is murky to them. They value their own time and recognize that their past successes count, but they aren’t sure how to put it all together in a deep, meaningful, and efficient way so that their near future is what they hope for.

Many have said recently to me, “Julie, it is clear you have been called to this.”

I do agree with their observation, and as a wonderful result, enjoy all the certainty, clarity, and confidence that comes with it, not in the future results but in present trusting the future is in good hands as I obey my calling. And let me tell you how good it feels to know I am in my lane, for such a time as this, I am right where I am supposed to be.

So how does that happen? 

Ponder this…

“Whenever Jesus became conscious of who He was, He also became conscious of what He had to do.” – Max Lucado

The same is true of you. IF (big IF, for most in our fast-paced, pressure-filled world) you will make the investment of time, energy, and possibly even money to get clear on who you are, you will also then get clear on what you need to do.

Most need help because it is impossible to be objective with yourself.

That’s what we start with…WHO ARE YOU? 

Wanna know more?

Join us for the big reveal and you may just be so encouraged by what you discover. And not only that, you will then know what you are called to do next.

Crazy, huh?

Work? Yes.

But it sure is a lot of fun and most definitely worth it!

To the beautiful YOU and all God has planned for YOU!

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