Continuing to watch from the sidelines, envying those who are stepping out to live their visions waiting for the ‘right time’, or dismissing opportunities for yourself is NO WAY to LIVE.
In fact, it is a sure way to inflict more DIS – COURAGE – ment by constantly watching and envying others.
Part of building courage (meaning genuine power from the heart) and faith is to actually believe that we are not in some sort of invisible caste system here. You know there really is no limit to how many people can be successful in this world. Sometimes we think it is only for a select few…says who?
But it starts with you opening your mind to say, “Why not me?”
This has been a secret to my ‘breakout’, if you will, of my old identity and most assuredly my ‘victim’ mindset that kept me downcast, depressed, and with just enough to live on thinking that was somehow ‘noble’. But in truth, I struggled envying others who seemed to live vibrant lives. I struggled with fear of not having and being enough. I struggled with a ‘lack’ mindset. So crippling honestly.
Try this…
Instead of envying others that seem to be doing what you wish you could, say to yourself, “Why not ME?”
Then try on that idea, because sometimes I get caught up in what I think I want, but if it becomes apparent, I really wouldn’t want that if offered right now, it stops the envy by giving myself permission to choose. Then if it turns out I do, it’s an opportunity to raise the ceiling of my belief, and with visualizing and opening it up to God, I can then begin to map a plan. And let me tell you, what an antidote for envy…get in the game.
Start with asking yourself “Why not me?”
If you don’t know where to start, get the replay for Renew Your Vision and have your own personal retreat with it.
My hunch is it will open up your mind and your heart when you see so many that have said “ Why not me?”
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