How can you give what you do not even know you have?
And beyond that, do you find yourself giving what you do not even have? The holiday season more than any other tests how well we know ourselves.
Why do so many feel so much stress now instead of the peace and joy the season boasts of?
Ignorance of self. Yes, I know that may be controversial but I am willing to go there.
Give yourself the gift of getting to know YOU. It really is a true gift to know yourself. And why do I say gift?
Several reasons:
- “You are fearfully and wonderfully made”…have you heard that before? Do you see why? Do you agree? My bet is if you saw clearly who you are you would wholeheartedly agree and carry yourself with an overflow of faith, confidence, and joy.
- You cannot give what you don’t even know you have. In this season of giving, the greatest gift you have to give is YOUR PRESENCE. Those wonderful God-given qualities are yours for the sharing. But so many of us are strangers to ourselves after decades of serving so many others we have lost touch with who we are, what we like, what’s important to us, and what we have to offer. So again I ask how can you give what you do not ( know you ) have?
- Are you giving beyond what you have? If feeling stress, angst, envious, resentful overwhelm or internal conflict consider this. As the story goes, the little drummer boy gave what he had, not what he didn’t. How sweet the sound of giving with the faith, finances, and feelings that you actually have and want to give. When you know yourself well you can engage with others well. You are clear where you stop and start. You can be responsible TO them but not FOR them. Ahh, the freedom that comes from being clear on YOU.
- Then you can show up filled up.
Want to know more?
There are several ways.
- Join us TODAY Saturday, Dec. 18th at noon ET / 9 am PT in the FB group for our monthly Vision Talk and see how old acquaintances created a new and powerful friendship from getting to know themselves better.OR
- Get started getting to know yourself with a great gift for yourself. Access our Signature LYV Curriculum module 1 for a chance to experience firsthand the very first step we take to up-level someone’s view of themselves. What a delight watching women’s faces light up when they finally get to see themselves through the eyes of the one who created them.Click here to grab yours today! At this crazy price of only $67 ( or $167 with a private coaching session included ), you can begin your own journey to get to know yourself on your own or with someone you love.
- We have just a few spots left for our upcoming LYV MM starting in January. If you have waited long enough for things to change for you, then reach out and set up your complimentary Vision Session. Click here to schedule.
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